Category: code
- Invoice Project: Export as PDF and email, while saving PDF to a specific Drive folder ()
This is part two of my previously mentioned invoice project. The first part of the project was adding in the ability to pull data from a Stripe invoice across the Stripe API into a pre-formatted Google Sheet invoice template. This article will discuss the second part of the project: What to do with the invoice […]
- Using the Stripe API and a Google Apps Script to populate a Google Sheet invoice template ()
As someone who has been working in Customer Support for Streak for three years, I frequently handle billing questions from users. One of the most common requests, especially from our international customers, is for an invoice with more information than we are currently able to offer either directly from the Streak UI or from Stripe. […]
- Finished Treehouse’s Beginning JavaScript course ()
I had been studying coding pretty consistently from roughly May 2017 through September 2018 before I admittedly got super busy with work and “fell off the wagon” so to speak. No more! In late December I started up again and so far in 2019 I’ve coded dang near every day! In January I logged 27 […]
- Building a Quiz in JavaScript on Mexico’s capitals ()
I built a quiz in JavaScript to test users on the capitals of the 31 Mexican states. I built this project while learning two dimensional arrays as part of the Treehouse “Beginning JavaScript” course. You can click here to view the project live, via GitHub Pages. A Treehouse Question Becomes a Full-Blown Project The “Beginning […]
- SQLBolt course completed! ()
In my journey to learn how to code, I decided I should learn a little SQL since databases are important while also being something completely new to me. I’ve played with the NoSQL database program MongoDB a little as part of some of my web dev courses so I knew learning SQL basics would help […]
- Learning Computer Programming via ()
I’ve started and failed many times to learn computer programming over the years. Upskill is the first course I’ve ever stuck with until completion and I’m now in a good position to continue my learning! False Starts I’ve wanted to learn computer programming for many years. I’ve tried learning via many different resources and I […]